Tag Archives: BBG

Halfway there!!!



It’s the start of week 6 already!!! My plan is to finish BBG 1 and then start it allover again and once i’m done the full 24 week i will start BBG 2 πŸ˜€

I’m so excited and happy that i am making the time for myself to get fit & healthy πŸ™‚

2015 is going to be my year!!! No more talking, It’s time to start Legs & Cardio for this girl πŸ˜‰

I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

Much love xoxo

4 weeks!!!



Hello there!

I have survived 4 weeks of BBG!!!! I am so darn proud of myself and all the girls on this journey too πŸ™‚

I am also happy to see changes in my body πŸ˜€ Not a huge difference but it’s definitely there which is awesome!!!

I managed to put on one of my shirts that i tried on early Jan and it didn’t flatter me at all and guess what? It looked great!!

I gotta say that i really really reallllllly HATE Comandos!!!! Who the hell invented those evil killer push ups??? lol My elbows hate them…

1 more LISS tomorrow and week 4 is officially HISTORY!!!

Here to the rest of BBG, 8 more week to go πŸ™‚

I would really like it if you would follow my journey with pictures on Instagram! @fitlexi381

Much love xoxo

Lets get this done!



I am back!!!

I was feeling really sad that i couldn’t workout and keep up with everyone this week and then i talked to my Kayla Army Team Girls about restarting week 3 all-together. They made a point that there is still time and that i can actually catch up with it all! Yes, i can and i will!!!

So i have missed a day of LISS, Arms & Abs and another day of LISS. What i am planning to do today is a session of LISS followed by Arms and Abs, Then Saturday do another session of LISS and Full body which was due today! Enjoy rest day Sunday and start fresh with everyone on Monday!

Β I am determined to do this even when it has to be done at midnight. I won’t let life get in the way of my plan of wellness! I read somewhere this morning “Life is getting up an hour early to live an hour more”. So let’s all stay an hour late to live an hour more too πŸ˜‰

Much love and lots of positive vibes your way xoxo

Week 2 LISS 2



Good morning!

Hope everyone is feeling super today πŸ™‚

I am doneeee with LISS for today! I worked-out with 0 to 10k app again and scored 30 minutes walk/run. I was still pretty sore from leg day and my bum hurts so bad when i run! Good thing right?

I’m not feeling very well today, my stomach is bothering me so i didn’t want to do more than 30 minutes of exercise. The fun part about today’s workout is that i was listening to music on Spotify and on my last minute of cool down THRILLER came on!!! There’s nooooo way i was just gonna walk when that was playing lol so my last minuet of cool down was a solo dance hahaha what an awesome way to end a good workout!!!

Much love xoxo

Week 2 Arms & Abs



Oh my goodness.. My arms are shaking and i’m totally exhausted and feel like i’m going to throw up if i don’t rest up… Arms are my weakest body parts… Going through the first circuit wasn’t so bad but then when i had to go over and finish my 7 minutes on it i was slowing down and getting really tired. I feel like i did not give it my all because it was so hard for my body. I try not to give myself a hard time when i feel this way because as long as i am moving and doing what i can then i think it counts. By the end of it all i have burnt 240 calories.

So i was trying to relax and going through my Instagram and saw a post that made my blood boil. There’s this stupid girl who posted a pic of a spiral ebook of Kayla’s hard work that she bought on eBay for $25!!! What the heck???!!!! It’s so sickening to see!!! There’s no respect and that stupid girl posted that under Kayla’s hash tags too… I hope it fires back at her for promoting a stolen copy righted book.

Ugh lets throw some positive fairy dust vibes on this post, it really needs it haha WOOOSHHHH… Did you feel that???? No???? Close your eyes for a minute and take a deep breath πŸ™‚ Now open your eyes slowly as you exhale and smile… How was that? Good?? Awesome!!! Let’s do that again… Close your eyes as you take a deep breath and this time think of something sooo magical, soooo beautiful, like being on that tropical island or on the summit of the highest mountain, whatever makes you happy and hold that thought for a minute then open your eyes with a smile and exhale!

I hope that helped you a little πŸ™‚

Carry the good vibes with you today and everyday!

Much love xoxo

Week 2 LISS



Good morning!

I am feeling extra super today!!! Got up this morning and had enough time to do 55 minutes of LISS!!! What a great achievement in my book πŸ™‚ I don’t really get to keep a solid schedule for my workouts with a baby, so i try to take advantage of any opportunity i have to get a solid workout done!

I wanted to change things a bit today so i ran with 0 to 10K app on my iPad. I did 25 minutes walk/run and unlocked the Lion Heart badge. This app is fun to use. i used it before but i guess they updated it so it looks better and i really enjoyed working out with it today. I think i’m going to stick to it πŸ™‚

After i got done with the 25 minutes walk/ run with the app i did another 30 minutes on my own of just walking. MyΒ Polar watch says i have burnt 459 calories so i’m really happy about that.

I have set up some goals for this week, I will try to eat healthier, try harder on my workouts and just enjoy the ride!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Much love xoxo

Week 2 Day 1 Legs & Cardio



I always come here sweaty and not really knowing what to talk about. Just thought you would like to get a picture of what the person behind the keyboard look like while typing haha… I just got done my BBG workout for the day, well night for me… I did not want to do legs when i had to go to the post office to apply for a passport and stand in line with sore legs. I am planning to go overseas in March & I’m sooo excited!!!

Back to BBG… Guess what??? I only looked at my watch in the first 7 minutes!!! And after that i was just concentrating on my form and trying my best to give every move its own time. It was intense once more but i gave it my best! I am a little disappointed because i forgot to turn my Polar watch on for the 1st 2 minutes of the workout haha I always like to know much calories i have burnt. oh well at the end it said i burnt 296 :p Not too bad haha

So, i did my part here. I will go enjoy a mixed berry, banana protein shake and probably snuggle while reading Skinny Bitch book. Thanks to my Huba Huba girl Sam for sending it to me ❀

Hope everyone enjoys their evening!

Much love xoxox

Rest day Sunday



I am up at 5am already on a Sunday! I actually have not been sleeping very well lately. And i diagnosed myself with the help of google of course. It sounds like i have postpartum insomnia 😦

My baby have started sleeping in her own room since last Friday and she’s such a good baby! the transition didn’t really bother her. Me, on the other side… I kept waking up and looking to the side of my bed and kind of freaking out that her bassinet wasn’t next to me… Fantastic!!! Since then i have had a horrible time staying asleep. Always tossing and turning. I’m so restless! I hope this phase passes quickly!

So no workouts for me today πŸ™‚ I am here with my cat next to me and my coffee on the table. I am going to enjoy this break because guess what Mondays are for a BBG girl…. LEG DAYS!!!! That’s enough to cause an internal scream lol Lets do it again… LEG DAY!!! Just seeing that typed hurts haha.

Wakeup, get a good breakfast and enjoy your Sunday!

Much love xoxo

LISS day is history



I ran with my wii fit again. managed to run for 30 minutes before my baby started fussing. Being a mom is super wonderful, yet extremely demanding. I originally wanted to score a 40 minutes run but that’s okay. At least i got my 30 minutes of workout in πŸ™‚

I am wondering now if there is a higher level other than the island cruise on the wii fit… I ran it several times without unlocking a longer distance. I just want to run a solid 30 without stopping every 8 minutes… I guess i just gotta keep running to find out. I also managed to update the little cute pig on the wii fit. It is now SILVER!!! Which means i did 20 hours on the wii fit πŸ™‚ It’s so awesome that you can get to burn calories while playing video games. Isn’t that something πŸ˜‰

Speaking of video games… I happen to be a big nerd when it comes to that… I LOVEEEE Video games… Let me list the few that i am addicted to: Skyrim, Assassin Creed, Mass Effect, Fallout, Dragon Age…

I am also looking into buying a new PS4, just waiting for a good trade in deal because i happen to have 2 PS3’s and one has to go! lol One was used upstairs and the second downstairs… Thats just shows how much of a nerd i am i guess :p

Anyways, I have to go find something to eat for lunch now and tend to my motherly duties! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Work hard and play harder!

Much love xox